Current Waitlists open:
Sunrise North 55+- One & Two Bedroom Wait List (located at 350 26th Ave N, Fargo ND 58102) Units are managed by Gold Mark.
Crossroads 55+- Two Bedroom Wait List (located 1670 E Gateway Cir S, Fargo ND 58103) Units are managed by Gold Mark.
Elliott Place 55+ – Two Bedroom Wait List (4462 30th Ave S, Fargo ND 58104) Units are managed by Fargo Housing.
Households pay 30% of adjusted gross income. Subsidy standard is two heartbeats per room (exceptions for different generations). Reasonable Accomodations considered.
Lantern Light- 2,3,4 bedroom project based voucher- must meet domestic violence/homeless or homelessness. Units are managed by Metro Plains
All Other Waitlists are currently closed as of 11:59 p.m. on November 30th, 2023.
In order to help our applicants as efficiently as possible, we are closing all the waitlists. We look forward to reopening them when the wait time is at a more acceptable level for applicants.
When the waiting lists are reopened, the FHRA will give public notice by posting a notice on this website, post on Facebook and in the Forum legal ads.
* Referral only programs are not impacted.
This is home
Navigating housing affordability
We believe housing is a fundamental human right — the core of a strong community. With a safe, stable place to live, folks have the foundation they need to make a home, build a family and contribute to a vibrant community.
We believe housing is a fundamental human right — the core of a strong community. With a safe, stable place to live, folks have the foundation they need to make a home, build a family and contribute to a vibrant community.
Affordable housing help for our community
Fargo Housing helps our neighbors with lower and moderate incomes navigate their housing journey. We provide good homes that people can afford — places where families can achieve independence and build lives.
Affordable housing help for our community
Fargo Housing helps our neighbors with lower and moderate incomes navigate their housing journey. We provide good homes that people can afford — places where families can achieve independence and build lives.